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Vania C. Bynum presents...

a cultural exploration

in dance and the arts!!

A Cultural Exploration in Dance is a series of workshops and master classes that enhance our knowledge of various dance styles as they relate to African American history and culture.  Using music, dance, and poetry, each class will focus on a featured dance style.  In addition to lecture, students will participate in engaging dance classes with amazing local artists to elevate their expression in our focused technique.   JOIN US as we kick off the first workshop in our series, "WE DANCE WITH GRACE".    


SAVE THE DATE, and follow my Instagram page on

March 11 for details and registration information next week. 

   Questions: email: Vania C. Bynum at

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  Sponsored by Central District Forum for Arts and Ideas

Strength and beauty were created in

our fiery furnace


Vania bynum is teaching modern dance on Saturdays at Northwest Tap Connection

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